Thursday, March 26, 2020

Learning the Carbon Chemistry Definition

Learning the Carbon Chemistry DefinitionTo learn the carbon chemistry definition, you should begin by taking a chemistry course. You can also choose to take a course online, or attend college in a large lecture hall. Either way, you will have to do the reading.The first part of the carbon chemistry definition is the element Carbon. Carbon is a big element that makes up the backbone of all living things. The backbone is what holds the inner structure together. Carbon is the essential element in life.The next part of the carbon chemistry definition is the term, 'Carbon'. The reason that this term is important is because it determines the reaction that occurs during combustion. If you know what this reaction is, you will be able to see why burning fossil fuels produces toxic waste that must be disposed of somehow.The next part of the carbon chemistry definition is Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is naturally found in the atmosphere. It acts as a preservative for plants, and is also a source of some gases that plants use to protect themselves from extreme temperatures.The third part of the carbon chemistry definition is the compound Carbon Monoxide. This compound is actually poisonous, but we cannot do anything about it unless we know the right way to clean it up.The last part of the carbon chemistry definition is Carbon Flux. This is the weight of molecules of Carbon and Oxygen during combustion. By knowing this number, you will be able to do something to reduce your carbon emissions.These are the basics of the carbon chemistry definition. If you need more information, it would be a good idea to look for a chemistry book that talks about the elements. Or, find an online chemistry course tolearn the carbon chemistry definition.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The History of Yoga Therapy

The History of Yoga Therapy The History of Yoga as a Medical Treatment ChaptersWhat Is Yoga Therapy?A Brief History of Yoga TherapyThe Principles of Yoga TherapyAdvice for Getting the Most of YogaMany people are already familiar with the benefits of yoga poses and meditation. While yoga originated in India, it’s popular in both the East and the West. This activity is a way to simultaneously work on your body and mind while reducing stress and toning muscles.However, a sun salutation isn’t just a way to exercise, there are also therapeutic benefits to doing yoga. Yoga therapy, in particular, is a discipline that uses yoga to heal on a mental and physical level.In this article, we’re going to look at yoga therapy, what it is, how it works, and where it came from and you’ll soon see just how useful yoga therapy is and how interesting its history is. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all ou r tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Is Yoga Therapy?Yoga therapy, unsurprisingly, is based on yoga, an activity that you’re probably familiar with. Through yoga poses, breathing exercises, and sophrology, you can heal your body and mind. Yoga therapy is a discipline that's based on yoga, meditation, and controlled breathing. (Source: Devanath)This discipline can be used to improve your well-being and help with both physical and mental health problems and is described thus:“Yoga therapy is the specific use of yoga techniques to prevent and treat certain physical or mental conditions.”It’s regularly used for many different conditions. Yoga and mindfulness can be used to restore balance, strengthen certain parts of the body, and even bring about relaxation, all without any medical treatment.Yoga therapy has been proven to have a positive effect on patients, especially on their emotional and psychological wellbeing.Yoga therapy sessions may be private or in a group and group yoga therapy sessions are a good way to start practising yoga therapy with a yoga teacher.  Of course, you can’t fully replace modern medical treatment with yoga therapy as yoga therapy is generally used to complement medical treatments by he lping the patient to relax and deal with their pain.In short, practising yoga therapy is very effective as a complement to other medical treatments.A Brief History of Yoga TherapyThe term yoga therapy was created in 1970 by Doctor Bernard Auriol. The French psychiatrist and psychotherapist specialising in states of consciousness had the novel idea of mixing classic psychoanalysis from the West with Eastern disciplines such as yoga. Unsurprisingly, yoga therapy is based on yoga, which was created in India many centuries ago. (Source: balouriarajesh)He was one of those who fought for yoga to be taught in France. The main teaching is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga but that doesn’t mean yoga therapy can’t draw upon other types of yoga.  Even though he was met with some opposition, Doctor Auriol showed that yoga therapy could benefit for those in psychiatric hospitals.Having thus shown a way that the new method could be used to treat patients, Doctor Auriol set about spreading the word about yoga therapy in France. Two yoga therapy organisations were created in the country.The Institute of Yoga Therapy (IDYT) was founded in 1993 by Doctor Lionel Coudron, allowing carers and professionals to receive training for two years.The French Federation of Yoga Therapy (FFYT) was founded in 2014, allowing budding yoga therapists to receive training.Yoga therapy was born in France and is now known across the world fo r the benefits it can have on the body and mind.The Principles of Yoga TherapyYoga therapy exercises are often as simple as possible. The goal isn’t to put in the maximum amount of effort but rather to complete simple and slow movements. It has to be accessible to everyone, especially those with mental or physical conditions. Yoga therapy is accessible to many but certain exercises may need to be adapted to the person doing it. (Source: StockSnap)Yoga therapy is based on around 50 fundamental yoga exercises which are adapted to the patient by the yoga therapist. There are several types of exercises: physical, relaxing, meditative, respiratory, and philosophical. They come from various types of yoga: Nidra, Vinyasa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Ayurveda.The poses in yoga are called Asanas; the main exercises that yoga therapy patients will do. Then there are breathing exercises, known as Pranayama, which are as important for the body as they are the mind. Finally, there are the symbolic and spiritual exercises known as Mudras.A yoga therapy session tends to follow a specific order but it can change according to the patient. Here are some of the exercises you could practise during your sessions:MeditationExtended Side Angle PoseStretchesShavasanaSynchronised breathingHalf Bridge PoseHalasanaSun salutationStomach massageThese are some very simple exercises that almost everyone can do. They allow you to effectively work on several parts of the body and strengthen your immune and nervous systems at the same time.It’s easy to improve your health with yoga therapy.Advice for Getting the Most of YogaFirstly, you need to practise regularly. Yoga therapy won’t work if you don’t have a healthy lifestyle.There are 5 main pillars to help you improve your physical and mental health:LifestyleDietRelations with othersPhysical activityWorking on your mental health (emotional and spiritual) The principles of yoga can be applied to what you eat, how you socialise, and how you take care of yourself. (Source: StockSnap)Yoga therapy works best when you eat healthily and when you’re hungry, exercise regularly, and strengthen your immune system through sport or exercise. In terms of your mental well-being, you need to communicate with others and have healthy relationships in your life.Meditation is also something you can practise outside of your yoga therapy and it’s recommended that you integrate this into your daily life. You can work on yourself for a few minutes each day and alleviate psychological and physical pressure.Bit by bit, you’ll start to see the benefits of yoga therapy and the accompanying lifestyle and feel better in your body and mind and you’ll gain vitality as you reach the end of your recovery, especially in terms of pain management and relaxation.In short, yoga therapy is as much a philosophy as it is a physical activity. It recentres the person w hether they do it as a complement to medical treatment or on its own and makes use of ancient Indian techniques designed to cure physical illness and mental health issues such as insomnia.From yoga postures to breathing techniques, when you do yoga, be it Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hot Yoga, etc., you'll enjoy the restorative properties of yoga including stress reduction and improved flexibility.Now you should know a bit more about where yoga therapy came from and what it’s for. To learn even more, you can read our other articles on the subject. Similarly, you can also get private tutorials from one of the many experienced and talented yoga teachers and tutors on Superprof!There are a lot of different types of yoga available and three main types of yoga tutorial available on Superprof: face-to-face, online, and group. Each type of tutorial comes with a set of pros and cons and what's right for one person may not be right for another so you need to think carefully about choosin g the right tutor and the right type of private tutorial.Face-to-face tutorials are between you and your tutor; there's nobody else there. This is great if you require highly-tailored yoga therapy, for example. However, as a bespoke and tailored service, these tutorials tend to be the most costly per hour. With your tutor dedicating every minute of the session to you, they're also the most cost-effective type of tutorial.Online tutorials, while usually better for academic subjects, can be quite useful if you're on a budget. Since the tutor doesn't have to travel and can also schedule more sessions per week, they have the potential to earn more and spend less and can charge a more competitive rate for their tutorials. If you prefer a hands-on approach, these tutorials won't be for you, but if you have a decent webcam, microphone, and internet connection, you can get quality and tailored tutorials without having to break the bank.Finally, group tutorials are similar to traditional yog a therapy sessions and you won't be the only person there. With multiple attendees footing the bill, these tend to be cheaper per person per hour than the other types of tutorial but it does mean that the lessons won't be tailored for you. Since most yoga therapy is geared towards a specific condition or ailment, most of you there will have the same needs and goals. This means you can all benefit from affordable private tutoring and yoga therapy and maybe even make some new friends.Have a look around on the website for different tutors and make sure you make the most of the tutors that offer the first hour of tuition for free!Take private yoga classes near me here.

Back to School Learning Center Sessions

Back to School Learning Center Sessions Back to School Learning Sessions Make a Big Difference! Pencils are being sharpened, books are being distributed, and students are eagerly anticipating the beginning of a new year both at school and at learning centers across the country. Even though the new school year is nearly upon us it's not too late to consider enrolling in back to school learning sessions. Specially trained tutors can help ensure you are ready for the upcoming school year, your confidence gets a healthy boost, and all of the material you've previously mastered can be put to good use next year. If you're considering enrolling in tutoring sessions at one of our Huntington Learning Centers locations ask yourself these important questions:Are you prepared for the upcoming term? You work hard in your school classes and you don't want to waste precious time on poor organization or ineffective study skills. Back to school learning sessions at Huntington Learning Centers will help you discover your studying preferences and can improve your ability to study effectively. Str ong study skills and consistent habits will have an incredible impact on your grades next school year. Simple changes to your study routine can make a big difference.Do you want to reduce summer slide? Research shows that students may lose previously mastered skills during the summer months. The time spent away from school and in a more relaxed atmosphere may impact what you learned last year. Think about everything you knew and were able to do at the end of last school year. Could you still perform at the same level? If you are worried about the skills and learning you may have lost, Huntington Learning Centers can help. The specially trained staff members on location at each learning center are prepared to ensure you return to school as sharp as when you left before summer break. Careful assessment will determine your current performance level and will help your tutor devise a custom learning plan just for you. If summer has been tough on your previously mastered skills your tutor will work with you to review material and prepare for next term.Are you scheduled for a new subject area next term? Perhaps it is your first year taking chemistry or you're anxious about the difference between geometry and the algebra you've already mastered. If you're faced with a subject area you've never taken before it's beneficial to get a head start. Think about back to school learning sessions like the warm up before a big game. The players take time to stretch their muscles and walk through game expectations. Back to school study sessions at Huntington Learning Centers are very similar. We'll help you look forward to your courses and build the foundational skills necessary for success in a new subject area. You'll enter your new class at the beginning of the school year confident in your ability to succeed. Could you use a boost of confidence? Having confidence in your ability to succeed academically is just as important as the skills and knowledge you possess. If you're d oubting whether you are ready for the upcoming term it may be a great idea to enroll in back to school learning sessions to gain the confidence you need. The tutors at Huntington Learning Centers will help assuage any fears you have, assess your current strengths and weaknesses, and develop a personalized learning plan. You'll have the opportunity to reinforce previous learning, master new skills, and gain confidence in your ability to succeed. Waiting to seek help once the work is too hard or you feel completely overwhelmed may be too late. Taking action now will provide the confidence that you're ready for whatever is ahead.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Reading is Important 14 Ways Reading Helps Your Life - Private Tutoring

Why Reading is Important 14 Ways Reading Helps Your Life Anna L Dec 3, 2018 Find a Top Rated Reading Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Why reading is important is a question most parents have heard from kids or even their partners. You’ve probably heard it a hundred times or more â€" read, it’s good for you! But does anyone actually answer your question of ‘why reading is good for you?’ The good news is that simply by reading this article, you are beginning to understand what reading can do for you. Our goal here is to help you understand why reading is good for your health, what reading can do for you as well as the scientific benefits of it. Reading Benefits: Scientific Benefits of Reading The scientific benefits of reading are becoming more and more known, here are some of the top scientific explanations as to why you should pick up that book! Boost brain power â€" in the same way that going for a run improves your cardiovascular fitness, reading will help enhance your memory and brain function. As we get older, both these functions tend to decline. Regular reading can significantly delay this decline as well as helping to prevent the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Reading helps your mental sharpness to stick around a little longer, much more so than watching a movie! Reducing stress â€" immersing yourself with a good page-turner can help switch off from the pressures of day-to-day life. Research suggest that even reading a book for a mere six minutes after a stressful day is a great way to relax and recharge the batteries, even more so than listening to music â€" another favorable stress-busting technique. Try reading for a few minutes each day, or on your commute to work (providing your not driving of course!) Improves empathy â€" understanding others will lead to positive and long-lasting relationships. Engaging with literary characters can help the brain make connections that help the reader understand other points of view and help with recognizing emotions. Just like athletes use visualization techniques to improve muscle memory to enhance their sporting performance, reading novels can help brain connectivity. Why Reading is Good for Your Health While many of us understand that reading might have benefits on our mind as well as our memories (and thats critical the older we get), understanding our it might help our overall health is not quite as well known.   Heres just a few reasons to consider reading more: Increases motivation â€" people who read books about people doing things, fact or fiction, are more likely to engage in the activity themselves. This could be drastic and crazy such as climbing mountains or taking on large travel adventures, or simple like taking up a new hobby such as cooking or knitting. Can combat poor mental health â€" improving mental health often goes hand in hand with reducing stress, but reading about others in similar situations is useful too. Biographies are great way to understand that you are not alone in your battle, and the large number of self-help books allows people to access advice and guidance from the comfort of their own home without stigma or embarrassment. Naturally, professional medical advice should also be sought. Independent thinking â€" characters and plots are often portrayed in ways to sway our thinking. Authors usually deliberately make characters likable or loathed, but every so often we come across a book that makes us think outside the typical box. You may like the story, but not the characters, or vice-versa. This highlights our individuality and makes for great conversation when discussing a book with others. Armchair education â€" reading biographies and other factual or historical books will provide an abundance of knowledge. Even reading articles such as this one will teach you something. However, even fictional books based around true events or set in specific historical periods will captivate us even more and we learn without even realizing it! Old School Paper Books vs Modern Day e-Readers E-readers are becoming more and more popular, and don’t get me wrong, they are great! They have the capacity to store large numbers of books on a small device which is great when traveling or commuting. But there is something special about turning the paper pages of a book. The good news is that many e-reader owners still love a printed book, and here are some reasons why this should continue; Sleep better â€" including reading as part of a bedtime routine can help signal to your body that the time for sleep is near. However, using an e-reader can actually wake the brain up courtesy of the backlit screen. Reading a printed book by a lamp is a much better way to slow the body down and prepare for a good night’s rest. Plus it aids in all the other ways that we’re covering here. Improves memory function â€" turning pages will actually help you remember what you have read more so than ‘clicking’ to the next page. Many people may find this is the reason they print important documents rather than reading them off a computer screen. Books also allow for easier flicking back and forth to help remember important events or characters. How Does Reading Make You Smarter? Reading is beneficial at any age, but like most things, the earlier you start the better. Not only does it help form positive habits, but it may also make you smarter â€" something that will help significantly with your education. Some of the benefits of reading for students and young people include; Reading can help children develop a longer attention span, and when it comes to schooling this one has obvious benefits. Because stories have a structure that includes and beginning, middle and end, children are captivated for a fairly lengthy amount of time. Exposure to vocabulary â€" reading exposes students to around 50% more words than television or even conversation. As children, and adults for that matter, read they come across new words regularly. These new words then tend to be used in conversation and writing. Using a larger array of words will make you not only sound more intelligent, but you will generally be more intelligent. In the case of students, those that have a larger vocabulary are more likely to gain attention from their teachers which can improve confidence and promote further learning. Improved reading comprehension, spelling, grammar is seen in those children who read for fun. Creating a love and habit for reading at an early age has a profoundly positive impact on education. Exposure through story time, following parental leads and positive encouragement, are all ways to promote reading. Developing the imagination and creativity. Children who read do not necessarily go on to be writers, journalists or editors. The creative part of the brain is wide.y used when students read â€" they imagine themselves in the story line. Creativity is the key to success in many careers, and so much of it can be gained from reading! Reading provides entertainment you can take anywhere! Books, especially those developed for children are often small and portable. E-readers are even more compact and can store thousands of stories. Whether a child is camping, waiting for the bus, eating a snack or preparing for bed â€" reading can be done virtually anywhere, any time! No more “I’m bored” statements! Find a Reading Tutor Near You! Hopefully you’ve got a few ideas of why reading is important and what reading can do for you at this point?   If so, then the goal of our post was successful!   And if you need help with reading this year or if you are prepping for the SAT Reading test and want to improve your skills for life as well as a big test, then we can help with that!     Whatever the case, the next time you get a few minutes, find yourself a good book on any topic and get started reading! We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

SWE and PepsiCo Kick Off Student Challenge

SWE and PepsiCo Kick Off Student Challenge Image via: The Society of Women Engineers website From now until July 17, 2017, college undergraduate students are welcome to form teams to participate, with no greater than four members. The team(s) are encouraged to compete in the PepsiCo/SWE Student Engineering Challenge by proposing a solution or response to one of these real-life issues: Water: Consider how water is used at different points along the life cycle of PepsiCo products and propose how we can lessen our net environmental, water extraction or overall usage. Packaging: Present a sustainable packaging solution applicable to a food or beverage product. Equipment: Design what the next core category of PepsiCo beverage equipment will look like to accompany our current offering of coolers, fountains, and vending machines. Image via: The Society of Women Engineers website Out of all the submissions responding to these three prompts, three teams will be chosen as finalists and they will be invited to present their findings and solutions to a panel of judges, comprised of PepsiCo RD leaders. The winners of the contest will be officially announced at WE17 during Society of Women Engineers’ “Celebrate SWE!” event. This is one of the largest professional development and networking conferences for women pursuing careers in engineering and technology. Over 11,000 women engineers are expected to attend this event. Winners of this competition will also earn cash prizes, along with the chance to present their submissions in front of the panel of judges. Thanks to The Society of Women Engineers and PepsiCo, thousands of women will have the chance to make strides toward creating a better tomorrow today, while also making advances toward the careers of their dreams. To learn more about the PepsiCo/SWE Student Engineering Challenge, (rules, deadlines, criteria, etc.), find everything you need to know here.

Teaching English to Young Learners in Japan

Teaching English to Young Learners in Japan Ah, Japan. From carving up fresh-fallen powder in Honshu to dining on mind-blowing Nigiri, Sashimi, and Maki (I mean, it’s a sushi lover’s Mecca), Japan is a country rich in incredibly beautiful cultural anomalies and unique opportunities. Perhaps, what’s most exciting to the Teach Away team are the opportunities to teach English abroad in Japan to a most curious audience; the young learners. With a population of 126.9 million living in a geographic footprint 26 times smaller than the Canadian continent, the island of Japan is comprised primarily of native Japanese people. This has kept so much of its beautiful culture intact but has had the drawback of leaving it largely unfamiliar with the English language. Approximately 72% of Japanese people ages 20 to 49 suggest they cannot speak English or cannot speak it proficiently. It is, therefore, a country ripe with opportunity for certified ESL teachers looking to teach English in a spectacular setting where the population has a huge appetite for learning English, especially from a very young age. Learning English in Japan starts (very!) young Due to continued expansion and widespread adoption of English as a “global” language, it has become pretty common for non-English speaking countries to invest in teaching English (yay for Teach Away!) as a language within the core school curriculum. In Japan, foreign residents (i.e. non-Japanese people) make up only approximately 3.8% of the population, with more than half of those being from non-English speaking countries (such as Vietnam and China). So you can imagine that hearing any spoken English can be pretty rare! As a result, ensuring Japanese youth are learning English has become a key area of focus for the country, with children being introduced to ESL as early as nine months of age! These “Young Learners” present a unique and exciting opportunity for certified ESL teachers. The delight of seeing an infant clapping after using the right word would bring joy to the hearts of most people. Now imagine that as a part of your day-to-day job? So awesome! What’s great about teaching young learners in Japan? To start with, younger students learn incredibly fast, making it a really rewarding experience as a teacher to watch their progress. Not to mention, the enthusiasm for English from younger learners can be infectious. And the learning experience is super fun too, with teachers enjoying the crafts, games, and other activities just as much as their students. As well, Japan’s education system is changing in response to the ever-expanding global workplace and the technological advancements that continue to break down physical barriers. This means there are more opportunities than ever for certified English-speaking teachers who are keen to explore this great country while using their skills and talents. Teaching others (particularly little humans!) how to master a new language, especially one as challenging and highly nuanced as English, is an impressive strength. And it is now one that is deeply appreciated in Japan, where the government and education system understand that English plays a larger role in international collaboration. Of course, really excellent communication skills are a must when teaching English and especially to very young children. As a result, native English speaking teachers are in high-demand in Japan. Employing teachers from countries such as the U.S. and Canada gives kids exposure to a new language, but also to new ideas and perspectives. It’s a window into the world beyond the only world they know, at an age where their curiosity is at an all-time high. Teaching English to young learners in Japan is about more than just learning the language. For Japanese parents, it is about exposing their children to a global mindset, something that people all over the world can relate to and appreciate. What you will find as an English teacher to young learners is that most parents of these young learners are enthusiastic, supportive, and appreciative for the chance to engage their youngsters in English. This openness makes for a very active parent participant, supporting deeper learning and engagement in both the school and home spaces. What you need to know about teaching young learners in Japan? There are, of course (as in life!), many options when it comes to teaching young learners in Japan. There are traditional methods and schools, and there are alternatives. For example, there are a number of schools and programs that address young learners as one of many audiences, including teaching programs for adults and kids of all ages. There are also those that are entirely focused on teaching English to young learners and tend to have a more youth-centric focus (read: they’re pretty fun!). Not all programs are made the same One of these youth-focused organizations is Benesse BE studio Inc., which offers exciting English learning programs for children. BE studio currently operates over 1,700 schools across Japan, with over 2,000 teachers focusing on supporting young learners with their English skills. Teach Away had the chance to chat with Alex Barnes, Training and Quality Supervisor at BE studio. The North Carolina native has been teaching and working in Japan for many years, and with BE studio since Spring of 2018. He notes that when it comes to teaching for an organization like BE studio, “Teachers might have a lot of students but schools tend to be small, so a typical work environment is more personal and friendly than many large private conversation schools or public schools. We also have regular workshops to improve teaching skills, and because new and experienced teachers come to share ideas, it’s a very supportive environment.” Programs that focus on young learners also benefit from having more tailored programs and greater parent engagement, which leads to an active and collaborative learning environment. Invested parents create engaged kids! As any parent knows, the difference between how a two-year-old learns and a five-year-old learns is as vast as the geography that separates Canada and Japan. In certain settings and with certain young age groups, it can be challenging to manage expectations of excited parents ready to see their children thriving in a school environment. This is mostly because it can be very hard to show progress at such a young age. For example, a three-year-old flipping through an English book and identifying certain small things can seem irrelevant. However, if provided with enthusiastic praise, these young people can deepen their connections between what they learn verbally and what they see visually. BE studio encourages the use of praise and enthusiasm to ensure their lessons are less about tests and rewards, and more about fun and encouragement. Teachers create a classroom environment where students don’t have to worry about making mistakes and can just be themselves. Every child has a dream, and English can help them achieve that dream. At BE studio, teachers find opportunities to teach children English in a way that relates to their interests and also supports them on their journey toward their dreams. This really helps parents get excited and invested in supporting their kids in a natural way at home as well as at school. And of course, the more you practice, the better you get! It might be the most rewarding thing you ever do Teaching little kids is obviously not without its challenges. However, as Mr. Barnes suggests, “When you see the ‘oh, now I get it’ look on a student’s face, or a parent tells you their child had a conversation with foreign tourists last weekend, or a student is finally able to give an English speech in front of the class by themselves, it makes it all worth it.” Alex Barnes shares a story about his early days teaching with BE studio: “I once taught a boy who started lessons at two years old. At first, he didn’t speak much and only participated in activities when encouraged by his mother. However, we continued to make sure he had lots of English input, focusing on building his listening recognition skills until he became comfortable speaking. One day, he suddenly started singing half of the lyrics to the song we had been practicing the last few weeks. It was a huge relief for his parents, and he soon became the most talkative student in the class.” There is truly no greater service than that of a teacher and the reward of shaping young people’s futures. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Wondering how to get started? If you think this all sounds incredible and you’re wondering where to sign up, take a minute and give some thought to the following tips and hints to make sure that teaching English to young learners in Japan is, indeed, right up your alley. Tip 1: Ask yourself if teaching little kids is right for you Many students hesitate to speak English, usually due to a fear of making mistakes or having a negative “study” image of English as a school subject. Our friends at BE studio suggest that you offer encouragement to your students and focus on having both an educational and fun approach to your lessons. When asked about the best teachers at his organization, Mr. Barnes said: “Since BE studio is focused on teaching children, especially younger learners, the training and school atmosphere is very fun. Games, songs, and crafts are a big part of lessons, so teachers that enjoy these types of activities and enjoy teaching young children are the kind of people who work here.” He noted that bringing energy and having the ability to turn on a “fun switch” is pretty critical to success. Mr. Barnes also suggested that “while there is always a ‘lesson partner’ in the room for all preschool ages to help, [the teacher] is in charge of the class, so keeping the kids engaged is always necessary. It’s also important to remember that there are different kinds of energy and teaching styles needed for different age groups. Teaching six-year-olds can be drastically different from teaching three-year-olds. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the classroom environment and how it differs with each age group, in order to develop a sense of how to adjust teaching styles to different class levels.” Tip 2: Learn everything there is to know about teaching in Japan There is so much information out there on what you need to know that how prepared you are is entirely up to you. So do your research! First, make sure you have the necessary requirements to teach English in Japan. Next, find a few guides to teaching English in Japan and read them end to end. In fact, some of our very own Teach Away-ers have shared their favorite tips for teaching English in Japan. It’s also a great idea to really read up on Japanese culture and some unique experiences teaching ESL in Japan so that you can minimize culture shock and maximize excitement. Tip 3: Ensure you’re TEFL or TESOL certified There are a few things to know about getting TEFL, TESL, or TESOL certified. Fear not! We have covered most aspects and answered most questions on the Teach Away blog in the past few years. Teach Away also offers two TEFL programs with a couple of pretty notable Universities (oh hey! U of T OISE and I House Berkeley U!). Because we offer these programs, we know a thing or two about TEFL and have shared a bunch of it through our TEFL Certification Guide. Ultimately, how you get certified is entirely up to you, of course. But do make sure you do your homework so you have the right number of hours, certificates, and education before submitting an application to teach abroad to young learners in Japan. Tip 4: Find your dream job! There are so many outlets and agencies offering teaching abroad opportunities, but not as many that include opportunities to teach young learners in Japan. Teach Away’s job board is a great place to start! In particular, BE studio has recently posted an exciting job opportunity. As long as you are well versed in what is required, and have done your homework so you know what to expect, finding your dream job should be easy as making Maki (disclaimer: Making Maki is actually NOT easy. But eating it is delicious!). Tip 5: Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime Japan is a country where adventure abounds. And as anyone who has worked with young people before can tell you, every day is a new adventure and every moment is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and smile. We suggest making a list of the activities you’re most excited to learn more about because there is a lot to do and you’re going to want to pace yourself! From incredible food to wonderful festivals, such as Setsubun, Japan has much to explore and discover. Overall, we cannot imagine a more rewarding experience or a beautiful setting to put your English language skills to use. So the only question we have left is this: what are you waiting for?

Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language Picking the Right Schedule for You

Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language Picking the Right Schedule for You Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language? Picking the Right Schedule for You Are you an early bird or a night owl?Do you jump out of bed bright and alert, or do you get moving after the sun is way up and all the coffee has kicked in?Everyone works, thinks and learns differently, even when it comes to the time of day that were at our best. Its no different for language learners.And with the amount of memorization, practice and communication we need to master our target language, it only makes sense to try and get the most out of every minute we spend studying.This article will show you some of the benefits of studying in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.Then well help you weigh those benefits against your own learning style so you can select the right schedule for you. Rise and Shine: The Benefits of Morning StudyingYou may learn more efficiently.One study suggests  that morning might be the most productive time to learn. While the study doesnt explore possible causes of this increased productivity, it does indicate that it can lead to more e fficient learning.Since studying more efficiently can help language learners save time, reduce stress and, ultimately, get fluent faster, this is a very valuable benefit.Natural light is easier on the eyes.Artificial light can lead to eye strain, so taking advantage of daylight is beneficial. After all, reducing discomfort like this can help make it easier to read textbooks, study vocabulary lists or do reading practice without having to take breaks.Youre more likely to be able to study with others or reach out for help.Language learning is often a social endeavor. Talking to others can provide helpful speaking practice or help you clear up any issues you find challenging. If you study in the morning, you might be able to reach out immediately. If not, you still have the rest of the day open to try to get in touch.This could be especially relevant if youre trying to coordinate some conversation practice with native speakers in a different time zone, depending on where youre both loc ated.Youre better rested.Capitalize on your nights sleep! Without a whole day of work, chores or general stress behind you, morning studying can be great for language learning focus.  If you happen to be a morning person, you might even be more alert.Post-lunch Crunch: The Benefits of Afternoon StudyingYou may support long-term retention.One study notes  that afternoon learning may improve long-term memory recall. Of course, language learning requires significant long-term retention of everything from vocabulary words to conjugation rules and more, so this could be important for many learners.You arent overly tired yet.Since its not yet terribly late in the day, you probably still have some energy. In language learning, some studying tasks can seem tedious, so its important that you have enough energy to maintain your focus. Studying in the afternoon should still allow for this.Midnight Oil: The Benefits of Evening StudyingThere may be fewer distractions.Since the evening is general ly you time, you might be in a better position to minimize distractions. Having fewer distractions can lead to improved focus, allowing you to engage more fully in your language study.It may improve retention.Research has shown  that studying before bed can help you better remember what youve learned. In this study, participants memorized word sets. The study ultimately found that participants who studied just before sleeping remembered the word sets better.Therefore, studying vocabulary before bed might be a useful way to memorize words more effectively.Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language? Picking the Right Schedule for You1. Experiment with different times to see what works best for you.If you havent noticed, theres research to support that any time of day is the best time to learn. Believe it or not, researchers have also found  that the best time of day to study is specific to the individual. Especially since learning a language is a complex task with various factors, you need to do what works for you.Everyone learns differently, so try to schedule your studying for when you learn best.The only way to know what works best for you is to experiment with studying at different times of day. What feels best? What seems to yield the most results? What makes you feel the best about your language skills?2. Try studying different topics at different times of day.As you experiment with studying at different times, you should also try studying different topics at different times of day. You may learn different topics more effectively depending on the time.For instance, since one study shows improved retention of word sets for evening study, you might want to try studying vocabulary before bed to see if you remember more the next day. Since another study suggests increased productivity in the morning, this might be a good time to hammer away at some of the nitty-gritty grammar rules that you struggle with.Additionally, soft natural light might make morning an ideal time for reading practice since it will be easier on your eyes.You can use whatever logic makes sense to you, but over time, you might notice that you prefer to focus on different topics at different times of day.3. Try breaking your studying into short bursts throughout the day.Another trick you might want to try is breaking your studying into short bursts at various times. Studying a language can start to feel repetitive, so you might tune out if you try to study for too long in one stretch. However, if you break your studying into shorter chunks, you might have better focus.For instance, maybe you want to learn 20 vocabulary words. You might set aside 40 minutes to try to memorize them, but by the end, youll probably be much less focused.However, if you dedicate just two minutes to each word and stagger memorizing them throughout the day, youll probably have an easier time focusing on each word.4. Set a schedule.Once youve experimented with what time of day works best fo r you, its helpful to set a schedule.  Studying at the same time each day will help ensure you consistently remember to do it. After all, it becomes a part of your daily routine.For instance, if you get used to reading a chapter in your favorite textbook each day at 4 p.m., youll always remember to do it.Without a routine, its very possible that youll have every intention of studying but youll simply forget.5. Take into account the task at hand.When deciding what time of day to study, its also important to take the task at hand into account. After all, it may directly point toward or away from certain times of day.For instance, if youre busy, you might cram listening practice into your commute. If youre doing speaking practice, you might not want to do it when people you live with are sleeping to avoid their wrath.Considering your lifestyle and the task at hand will help you find the right time for you.6. Remember that more language exposure is better.Some times of day may be less e ffective than others for studying a language, but exposure to the language is still incredibly valuable. The more you interact with a language by studying it, using it, reading it or simply hearing it, the less foreign that language will seem.Because of this, theres no wrong time of day to study. Even if you dont remember what you attempted to learn, the very act of exposing yourself to the language is beneficial.While there are a lot of factors to consider when learning a language, choosing the right time of day doesnt have to be a hard one.Keeping all the benefits in mind, choose whatever time works best for you! And One More ThingNo matter what time of day you learn languages, youll love using FluentU to get the job done. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercia ls and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Learning for the Future Education Beijing

Learning for the Future Education Beijing Learning for the Future Education Beijing Learning for Future (Beijing) Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Leaning for Future) specializes in far-sighted education development, promotion and introduction of world-leading courses, and the organization of students participation in science popularization activities and international competitions. Established in 2014, Learning for Future has integrated high quality education resources with distinguished international universities and institutions from north America and Europe and joint efforts to introduce to China STEM education. By partnering with local education authority and public schools, Learning for Future have launched professional development in STEM courses for administrators in education bureaus, school administrators and excellent teachers, and organized students participation in the high-end summer and winter STEM training camps in the US and Europe. We have established cooperation with 20 public schools in STEM class, trained 500 administrators and teachers in educat ion system, and engaged 3,000 students in STEM courses in Beijing. In the future, we work to benefit more students in the society, and our goal is to facilitate challenges and competitions in the 21st century faced by students with abilities of integrating interdisciplinary knowledge within the STEM fields.

Cro3 Organic Chemistry Course

Cro3 Organic Chemistry CourseThe Cro3 Organic Chemistry Course is aimed at helping students understand the key scientific concepts, methods and applications. The online classroom will provide the learning materials for the course. The classroom resources will help to present and explain many of the concepts taught by the instructor. Students will also have access to interactive content so that they can work as part of a group, or to work independently.This is a college course. It is intended to be completed in as little as two years for entry level positions in colleges and universities. This course is not intended for those who have finished a higher education program. The courses are required by some colleges and universities.The course can be taken either through a computer or a modem-based education. There are no books to buy, so students will not need to have the type of internet connection available that would allow them to download the textbook material to read at home.The cur riculum includes hands-on activities, lecture lessons, multimedia presentations, discussion forums, personal development resources, and supplemental materials. These are covered by the online classroom and as the student progresses through the course, he or she will receive more lessons and activities. There is no language barrier.In the first semester, students will learn the basic concepts of organic chemistry with topics such as gas equilibrium, the reduction of substances by acids and bases, and the effect of atomic numbers on the oxidation of metals. They will learn the process of identifying a common element as well as some of the properties of elements. They will learn how to convert one substance into another and will examine methods of separating and purifying elements.They will study reactions using chloride of hydrogen and chlorine as well as the conditions under which these reactions take place. They will learn about the existence of elements and the importance of the el ements to life on earth. They will study the effects of the elements on various types of compounds and how that affects the properties of a compound.The class can be taken during the school year or the summer. The semester is divided into four quarters and one quarter consists of four months.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Finding a Good Tutor to Help Students Gain Admission to a School

Finding a Good Tutor to Help Students Gain Admission to a SchoolTutoring in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a way to help students go to college. Tutoring is a method that is often required for college admission. This is a good way to help students get on campus, but if they need additional assistance, there are other schools of higher learning in the country that can help them.Schools such as Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offer free tutoring in school. These schools are known for being extremely competitive and will be looking for the best students.If you are interested in applying to one of these schools, you should be prepared to do some legwork. These colleges and universities are focused on getting the best of the best. You should make sure that you have all of the information that you need before applying.You should also know that many of these schools are very strict about having the most number of eligible students. They will be ready to accept only the best students. They will not be willing to accept students who have had no previous experience with the school.As a student who wants to help others through tutoring, you need to do some background work. The process will be quite different from applying for admission to the school.You will need to fill out an application that asks a lot of questions and you will need to do some research. It may take some time and you will need to do everything that you need to do.There are many other schools that offer this service. The best thing that you can do is to apply to at least two of the schools that are available to you. You will get the best chance of being accepted.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Algebra Homework Help

Algebra Homework HelpAlgebra Homework Help is a great way to make sure that you are getting your homework on time. These websites will help you to get the homework completed faster and more efficiently.Homework help is also a way to avoid having to leave it up to a computer to take care of all the work for you. It gives you a little bit of 'me' time, so that you can use your own brain.What's the use of leaving a homework assignment up to someone else? You may think that the internet is the best way to make use of these resources, but is it really? The reason is that many students do not understand that homework help is not really a substitute for a full-time tutor, it is an easy to use way to see if there are parts of the assignment that are hard to understand or that you just don't understand.Some students have bad habits about doing homework and not being prepared to take it. When students take the time to study the homework and make sure that they know what they are doing, they us ually find it easier to take notes during the actual work. As a result, there is less time wasted than is usual with those who don't take care of their homework properly.Homework help makes use of some of the same programs as tutors, so you don't have to worry about finding someone to help you when you need them. With a tutor, it is often hard to work on your homework because you are stressed out. When you use Homework Help, it puts less pressure on you, and so your studies will be more relaxed.This can mean better grades and more confidence in your work. Not only will you be able to get through your homework faster, but you will be able to study better and take notes more efficiently as well.Tutoring will help you avoid a lot of extra problems and delays in getting your homework done. If you have a lot of problem areas with your math work, you will know that you need a tutor if you want to get your homework done.